On Sunday May 17Th we blessed our beautiful baby girl Violet! I could not wait since I had found the cutest shoes and other accessories! Can you tell I am having so much fun with a girl?! Dave had to work a 24hr shift the day before so that left me to do everything before we had to leave. Usually he we tag team when he's home but since he was sleeping I had to do it all. It wasn't to bad though because Caleb can get himself dressed and he can help me with Aidan and also getting the church bag ready. We actually got to church early this time! We are usually walking in right as it starts. Violet started to fuss a little so I got her out of her car seat. As I did I felt something wet. I thought oh no her diaper leaked. I thought it was just pee. Boy was I wrong. It was poo! Not just any poo, orange poo and all over her dress. I only had about ten minutes before church was going to start so I enlisted the help of my good friend Linda who I saw on the way to the bathroom. She was my saving grace! She helped me carefully take off the dress and rinsed it while I changed Violets diaper. The dress was a little damp when we put it back on her but she didn't seem to mind. Other than that minor stressful situation everything else went great. Dave gave an amazing blessing and of course I cried. We took a family picture in front of a huge picture of Jesus that is hanging in our church hallway. I think it's one of my favorite photos. I hope I can get the stains out of the dress so others in our family can use it. It was a very special day! Violet was blessed with grace and a keen intelect.
. see the needs of those around her and succor their needs.
. that she will be full of compasion
.radiate joy of the gospel
. be a beacon for tose in search of hope
.be steadfast in the gospel
. married in the temple
. raise righteous children