Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I can't believe how lucky we got! The Army owed Dave some money from when he was deployed to Africa. In order to get this money he had to have some paperwork to summit that showed he was owed this money. He has been searching and asking people if they had this one paper he needed. So he was at work the other day and happened to mention it to someone that he was looking for this specific paper. The guy he was talking to said I know where it is and opened this drawer where paperwork was filed. At the same time another guy had just told the person sitting at that desk to throw all of the paperwork in that same drawer away. I could hardly believe it when Dave told me. We where so lucky! The paperwork we needed to get paid would have been thrown away and we would have never gotten paid. I still can't believe it.

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About Me

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El Paso, TX, United States
David and I have been married for twelve years! We have two very funny boys Caleb (10) and Aidan (7) and we added a girl Violet(3)I have been an Army wife since 2004 and feel like I have grown tremendously within that time. It's definately not for everyone but it has helped me to appreciate things more.
Cute background courtesy of The Cutest Blog on the Block